26 Useful find Command Examples in Linux

Linux is renowned for its vast array of powerful command-line utilities, and the find command stands out as a versatile tool for searching files and directories based on various criteria. Whether you are a seasoned Linux user or a curious beginner, mastering the find command … Read more


Tar Command in Linux with Practical Examples

In this post, we will learn tar command in linux with practical examples. Tar command is used for creating archive of multiple files and directories into single archive file, extension of archive file will always be ‘.tar’. Tar can further compress the archived file using … Read more

14 Grep Command Examples in Linux

Are you looking for hands on guide on Linux grep command ? In this guide, we will cover 14 grep command examples in linux. Grep is a command line tool in Linux/Unix systems that is used to search text or string from a file. Grep … Read more

How to Change Hostname in RHEL 8 / CentOS 8

Hostname is the name or label of a computer or a network device. Computer or network device has it own IP address but it is very difficult for the humans to remember it that’s why hostname is set on computer and network devices. Hostname is … Read more

20 Useful Docker Command Examples in Linux

Docker container is one of the most emerging technologies now a days. Docker containers are generally used in CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) platform. Containers are the light weight VMs (Virtual Machines) which make use of underlying hypervisors resources like (RAM,CPU,HDD and Kernel). Docker command is … Read more

How to Configure IP Networking with nmcli Command in Linux

Nmcli (network manager command-line interface) is a command-line utility used to control the NetworkManager daemon which is used to configure network interfaces. With the nmcli utility, you can display, create, edit, enable and disable network interfaces or connections. It is especially handy for servers and … Read more


10 iftop Command Examples in Linux

System monitoring is a critical role that any sysadmin should undertake to ensure that systems and applications are running as expected. We have covered a few monitoring tools in the past including glances real-time monitoring tool and top command which provides detailed information about running … Read more


8 Quick Date Command Examples in Linux

Maintaining accurate date on a Linux system is one of the essential skills that any Linux user should have at their fingertips. The Linux date command is used to display and set the date and time settings on a Linux system.  This tutorial gives you … Read more


10 Quick Linux Tail Command with Examples

In our previous tutorial, we looked at the Linux head command and its example usages. The tail command is the complementary of the head command. It reads and prints out the last N lines in a file. Without any command options, it prints out the … Read more


8 Head Command Examples in Linux

The Linux head command reads and prints the first N lines to standard output. By default, it prints out the first ten lines of a file to standard output. However, this can be modified by passing additional arguments on the command-line. The ‘head’ command is … Read more