How to Install Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu 15.04 / 16.04 / 16.10

Adobe Flash player is important plugin that allows our web browsers to play multimedia contents like audio & videos streaming, flash based games and other rich media stuff.

Adobe Flash player is supported by different web browsers like IE ( Internet Explorer), Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera and can be installed on different operating system like Windows , Linux/ UNIX and Mac OS X and Android.

In this post we will discuss how to install adobe flash player on Ubuntu 15.04 and Ubuntu 16.04 / 16.10. Refer the below steps :

Installation from the Command Line :

Open the terminal and run the below commands

linuxtechi@Linux-world:~$ sudo apt-get update
linuxtechi@Linux-world:~$ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer

Installation using Synaptic Package Manager :

To use synaptic, make sure synaptic package is installed. In case if it is not installed then use the below command to install :

linuxtechi@Linux-world:~$ sudo apt-get install synaptic

Start the Synaptic Package Manager

Dash Home —-> search —-> Synaptic


Click on Synaptic Package Manager .

Search “flashplugin installer“, Mark it for installation and then click on Apply .


Once the installation is completed , to verify whether flash player is installed or Not. Visit the Adobe Web site.

As we seen that Adobe Flash Player is installed successfully


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I am a Cloud Consultant with over 15 years of experience in Linux, Kubernetes, cloud technologies (AWS, Azure, OpenStack), automation (Ansible, Terraform), and DevOps. I hold certifications like RHCA, CKA, CKAD, CKS, AWS, and Azure.

16 thoughts on “How to Install Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu 15.04 / 16.04 / 16.10”

  1. Failed to install twice. Ubuntu 15.04 has some bugs but this one is a pain in the neck. I’ve been forced to discard Firefox and use Opera instead not happy.

  2. hi,I am using ubuntu 15.10..followed the steps to install flash player..i can find the synaptic manager but nothing is happening when i click on synaptic manager …what to do???

    • Hi ,

      From the terminal first try to install synaptic package using the command “$ sudo apt-get install synaptic” and then try to run “$ sudo synaptic ”

      Once the synaptic Starts and click on Reload option and then search “flashplugin installer”.

    • Open the synaptic and Click on ‘Relaod’ option to refresh the repository then search “flashplugin installer” and marked it for upgrade

      Hope Above Steps will resolve the issue.

    • Raj ,

      Refresh your system repository by reloading them, Click on Reload option in Synaptic Package Manager and then search “flashplugin installer” and marked it for upgrade and then click on apply

  3. This doesn’t work for me. I’ve tried a dozen different ways to install flash, including the adobe instructions in the readme (extract, copy into /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/) and NOTHING is working. Flash is still not installed. (Oh and I’ve enabled flash in Chromium, so that’s not the issue either.)


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