How to Install Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu 15.04 / 16.04 / 16.10

Adobe Flash player is important plugin that allows our web browsers to play multimedia contents like audio & videos streaming, flash based games and other rich media stuff.

Adobe Flash player is supported by different web browsers like IE ( Internet Explorer), Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera and can be installed on different operating system like Windows , Linux/ UNIX and Mac OS X and Android.

In this post we will discuss how to install adobe flash player on Ubuntu 15.04 and Ubuntu 16.04 / 16.10. Refer the below steps :

Installation from the Command Line :

Open the terminal and run the below commands

linuxtechi@Linux-world:~$ sudo apt-get update
linuxtechi@Linux-world:~$ sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer

Installation using Synaptic Package Manager :

To use synaptic, make sure synaptic package is installed. In case if it is not installed then use the below command to install :

linuxtechi@Linux-world:~$ sudo apt-get install synaptic

Start the Synaptic Package Manager

Dash Home —-> search —-> Synaptic


Click on Synaptic Package Manager .

Search “flashplugin installer“, Mark it for installation and then click on Apply .


Once the installation is completed , to verify whether flash player is installed or Not. Visit the Adobe Web site.

As we seen that Adobe Flash Player is installed successfully


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I am a Cloud Consultant with over 15 years of experience in Linux, Kubernetes, cloud technologies (AWS, Azure, OpenStack), automation (Ansible, Terraform), and DevOps. I hold certifications like RHCA, CKA, CKAD, CKS, AWS, and Azure.

16 thoughts on “How to Install Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu 15.04 / 16.04 / 16.10”

  1. What finally worked for me – after two weeks of struggling – was enabling Canonical Partners and getting their flash update as per these instructions: Incidentally, should’ve mentioned that I’m running Zorin 12 which uses an Ubuntu 16 core, I believe. So the older directions for flash do not work with the newer Ubuntu/Zorin implementations.

  2. Adobe Flash player is supported by different web browsers like IE ( Internet Explorer), Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera and can be installed on a different operating system like Windows, Linux/ UNIX and Mac OS X and Android.


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