
OpenSUSE 13.1 Installation guide with Screenshots

OpenSUSE is the most widely used linux distribution. It is free / opensource which is suitable for laptops, desktops, netbooks, servers and multimedia center PCs at home or in small offices. In this article we will discuss the installation steps of OpenSUSE 13.1 along with … Read more


How to Install MPlayer (Media Player) in Ubuntu Linux

MPlayer(Media Player) is a multimedia software in Linux like operating systems, it is used to play audio and video files from its GUI (SMPlayer) and command line. It supports a wide variety of video file formats, audio and video codecs, and subtitle types. Special input … Read more


CentOS 7 Installation Steps with Screenshots

After the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL 7) , CentOS community has released its latest Operating System named as CentOS 7. Some of the new features in CentOS 7 as compared with CentOS 6.X are listed below : CentOS 7 uses XFS … Read more

20 Postfix Interview Questions and Answers

Q:1 What is postfix and default port used for postfix ? Ans: Postfix is a open source MTA (Mail Transfer agent) which is used to route & deliver emails. Postfix is the alternate of widely used Sendmail MTA. Default port for postfix is 25.  Q:2 … Read more

Disable reboot using Ctrl-Alt-Del Keys in RHEL / CentOS

In Linux, It’s a security concern for organization to allow anyone to reboot the server using  Ctrl-Alt-Del keys. It is always recommended in production boxes that one should disable reboot using Ctrl-Alt-Del keys. In this article we will discuss how can we disable reboot via … Read more


Linux/UNIX Awk Command Tutorial with Examples

In this tutorial, we will explain Linux/UNIX AWK Command with examples. AWK is a versatile and lightweight text-processing language that comes pre-installed on most Unix-like operating systems, including Linux. It excels at manipulating structured text data, making it an invaluable tool for tasks such as … Read more

How to Use Variables in Shell Scripting

In this post, we will discuss how to use variables in bash shell scripting with examples. In every programming language variables plays an important role , in Linux shell scripting we can use two types of variables : System Defined Variables & User Defined Variables. … Read more


How to Configure Chroot SFTP Server in Linux

There are some scenario where system admin wants only few users should be allowed to transfer files to Linux boxes but no ssh. We can achieve this by setting up SFTP in chroot environment. Background of SFTP & chroot : SFTP stands for SSH File Transfer … Read more

BIND – DNS Server Interview Questions and Answers

Q:1 What does BIND Stands for ? Ans:  BIND stands for Berkeley Internet Name Domain. Q:2  What is DNS Server and its fundamentals ? Ans: The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical, distributed database. It stores information for mapping Internet host names to IP … Read more


How to Install PuTTY (SSH Client) on Ubuntu Linux

In this post, we will explain you how to install Putty (SSH Client) on Ubuntu Linux. In the world of Linux, secure remote connections are essential for managing servers, devices, and networking equipment. One of the most popular tools for establishing secure shell (SSH) connections … Read more