Top 15 SSH Server interview Questions and Answers

Q:1 What is the default port & configuration file of SSH Server ? Ans: 22 is default port  for ssh and ‘/etc/ssh/sshd_config’ is the configuration file. Q:2 How to change the default ssh port in Linux ? Ans: To change the port, first edit the … Read more

LVM : A good way to utilize disks space

Scenario : Let say , You have 5 disks each with 20 GB , now you have requirements to create FS(file system) of size 25 GB and 35GB and let rest of the space unassigned for any future needs . Technically, this is not possible … Read more


Top 30 Linux System Admin Interview Questions & Answers

In this article, we will discuss top 30 Linux system admin interview questions along with answers for experience professionals. Following questions may help the readers to clear Linux interviews. If you like these questions , please don’t hesitate to share on Facebook, Twitter and among … Read more

CentOS 6.X Installation Guide With Screenshots

CentOS(Community Enterprise Operating System) is an open source Operating system. It is almost similar to RHEL(Red Hat Enterprise Linux) and can easily be downloaded from the CentOS site. It is generally used in the Data Center Where you don’t want buy or spend money on … Read more